Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

EfektivitasHelicoverpa armigera Nuclear-Polyhedrosis virus (HaNPv) dalam pengendalian hama pemakan polong, (Helicoverpa armigera Hubner) pada pertanaman kedelai

Efectiveness of Helicoverpa armigera Nuclear-Polyhedrosis virus (HaNPv) against pod
feeding pest, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) on soybean.. Efektivitas Helicoverpa armigera
Nuclear-Polyhedrosis virus dalam pengendalian hama pemakan polong, (Helicoverpa
armigera Hubner) pada pertanaman kedelai./Arifin, M; Soenaryo, E; Soegiarto, B; Subiyakto
Seminar Hasil Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Balittan Bogor Bogor (Indonesia) 29 Feb-2 Mar
1992 [Results of Food Crops Research : Proceedings of BORIF Seminars]. Hasil Penelitian
Tanaman Pangan : Prosiding Seminar Balittan Bogor./Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan,
Bogor (Indonesia) Bogor (Indonesia): Balittan, 1992 p.320-326 2 ill; 1 table; 8 ref.
Efectiveness of Helicoverpa armigera Nuclear-Polyhedrosis Virus (HaNPV) Against Pod
Feeding Pest. Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) on soybean. An experiment has been conducted
during the dry season of 1991 at a farmers field in Banyuwangi to determine an effective
dosage of HaNPV application against H. armigera larvae of soybean. There were three
different tests namely (a) droplet feeding method in the laboratory : (b) field infestation
method, and (c) field assessment of larval populations before and after treatment with
HaNPV. Results of the experiment indicated that HaNPV at a rate of 12.10-11 polyhedra
inclusion bodies (PIBs/ha) was effective against H. armigera larvae. Larval mortality at this
rate, in the laboratory, was 83 percent. In the field, by the infestation method the population
decreased by 58 percent, and by the larval assessment, the population decreased by 80
percent. It is suggested that ultra-violet protectants, wetting agents, and speader sticker or
adhesives be added to increase the persistance of HaNPV in the field.

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